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mdk2004 t1_j22iz13 wrote

Plea deal often means you plead guilty to minor crimes and walk away easily, especially if it has only been a few weeks since the indictment. This pos is fully politically connected. I doubt he will be in jail for Christmas.


thesnuggyone t1_j24jbd3 wrote

What you are saying is totally incorrect.


mdk2004 t1_j264ma1 wrote

Which part is incorrect, pleading guilty to lesser charges is so common it baffles the mind. Former Long Island teacher Laura Parker Russo pleads guilty to lesser charges for injecting teen with COVID vaccine


You think he was arrested last week and they sent over a plea deal for 30 years in prison and a guy he agreed? The guy who could afford 100's of millions of dollars in lawyers and is out on bail potentially for YEARS. He was just so eager to go to jail for the rest of his life he took a sentence that most of use wouldn't consider getting off easy? Bernie got 150 years, even a quarter of Bernie's sentence would be 37 years. So which part is incorrect?