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gizamo t1_j22uflp wrote

...except, that's not at all what's happening here. Did you listen to their last conference call or read their 10-k? The semiconductor market is cyclical, and memory manufacturing is among the most cyclical of it. By all accounts, the down cycle is well underway, and the larger macro economics aren't helping things turn back up. Further, the CHIPS Act is about bringing back manufacturing, which it is doing quite well, even if some companies need to do layoffs in the short term. After the fabs are done, and semis get back on an up cycle, those jobs and many more will come back, too.


cishet-camel-fucker t1_j22y6mi wrote

It's also normal for Micron in particular. They're a bit of a joke around here, one of the best employers but only if you plan to be laid off every couple of years.