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LeRetardataire t1_j25ljv1 wrote

Even here on Reddit. Even on some of the COVID centric subs there are people trying to bury or obfuscate information on COVID. It'd be like if people came here to r/technology and downvoted any submissions technology related.

There exists this bizarre, unhinged opposition to COVID's very existence for some that leads them to these kind of destructive and toxic behaviours. But why, is still beyond me.


Cold_Turkey_Cutlet t1_j26cvzh wrote

>But why, is still beyond me.

It's a coping mechanism for psychologically weak people to try and maintain a sense of control in the face of something they are powerless to confront. You will notice conservatives have the same reaction to all existential threats such as pandemics, pollution and climate change: blame the messenger and bury the truth. It makes them feel safer to deny the existence of these things. And by transforming the enemy from an amorphous threat like a virus into a cabal of evil liberals who just need to be removed from power, it gives them an enemy they understand how to fight (because it can be fought through simple violence/force).


gizamo t1_j2780qj wrote

I was perma banned from r/politics for mocking obvious trolls from r/NoNewNormal brigading the sub spamming mis/disinformation. ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯ over a year, and after a few appeal, I gave up. It's everywhere, and it's easier to mute the subs that enable it.
