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toastmalon3 t1_j28nzaz wrote

I think these people would be much less prone to spreading conspiracy theories and nonsense if they felt that civil discussion about the potential side effects wouldn’t be immediately shut down or dismissed as false.


official_jgf t1_j28sirg wrote

Right. Everybody gets so hyped up on the meta that when someone speaks out against it, they are immediately called lunatics, liars, and idiots. The outcasts get pushed further away. This cycle turns into a spiral.

The spiral does not prioritize truth. Yet truth is what the meta seems to care most about at the moment. Victims of their own demise.


SuburbanPotato t1_j293w8j wrote

I think this is true, but I also think there is a certain subset of people who used "nuance" as a smokescreen to promote misinformation or at least confusion. People react so harshly to that that people actually trying to have nuanced discussions and raising legitimate questions get caught in the crossfire.

The rhetorical well has been poisoned in so many different ways I don't know how we ever set it right.
