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Youvebeeneloned t1_j4xejdh wrote

Headline is misleading as hell.

Someone accidentally triggered Siri while calling out boxing strats. They were saying 1-1-2 (instead of like left left right or right right left) which happens to be Australias version of 911.

Siri thus started calling 112 and overhearing the conversation in the background where shot was used in relation to punches and the cops overreacted.


DanielPhermous t1_j4y29bn wrote

> They were saying 1-1-2 (instead of like left left right or right right left) which happens to be Australias version of 911

Australia's emergency number is 000. 112 is an international standard that forwards to 000.


ChalupaCabre t1_j4yv8qo wrote

000 seems way too easy to accidentally dial… and why does 112 forward to 000?? Do other numbers also forward to 000?

I’m so confused.


_tropical_tundra_ t1_j4yzd5e wrote

Yes, with cell phones only if you dial any of the emergency numbers the phone will connect you with emergency dispatch.

That way if you’re in Timbuktu you can still get ahold of police without knowing their emergency phone number as a tourist.


DanielPhermous t1_j4yvn1c wrote

Triple zero is easy to remember and, as far as I'm aware, there's no particular problems with accidental dialling. 112 forwards to 000 because it is an international standard that arrived long after 000. It's so travellers only need to know one number and their call will be forwarded to 911, 000, 999 or whatever depending on the country.


ChalupaCabre t1_j4ywlnz wrote

So if I dial 112 here, it would forward to 911 because that’s our emergency number? Wild, I never heard of that before.


DanielPhermous t1_j4yx4l6 wrote

Hopefully? I mean, that's the theory. Maybe Google it to be sure.


ChalupaCabre t1_j4yxqiy wrote

I’m in Canada and looks like we have adopted that standard.

Says it’s available in some parts of USA by some carriers. Typical USA! Lol


bbqroast t1_j4zrmtk wrote

Maybe? You can dial 911 in Australia and you'll get forwarded to the 000 emergency number.

In fact, if you're overseas and have an emergency and don't know the local number 911 is probably a pretty good try because it's so well known the local system may automatically redirect you.


A1sauc3d t1_j4z0fn3 wrote

How is the headline misleading? Just because Siri along with the trainer caused the false alarm? And not just Siri itself? Doesn’t really seem that misleading lol. It’s pretty much what I was expecting when I went to read the article. What I was expecting from the headline was that someone’s apple product accidentally dialed emergency services, and the sounds of the machines and weights clanking around somehow sounded like gunshots to the operator. So not too far off.


_tropical_tundra_ t1_j4yz8h4 wrote

Honestly, as a former 911 operator, how would you actually want them to react in case it was a real situation?

It’s better to err on the side of caution. And now we learned a feature of Siri to pay attention to.


quantumfucker t1_j4y2to3 wrote

I’m actually impressed, this is a pretty decent functionality even if it misfired.