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aquarain t1_j5tm1hv wrote

We know this one. Frequent young blood transfusions. Unethical, but not this costly.


TheAbcedarian t1_j5tm42n wrote

This should make the rich taste better at least.


VincentNacon t1_j5u0web wrote

Can't help but think of Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen from Dune as I read this article.

It's so awkward and cringy.


olidps t1_j5u4q47 wrote

we live in a 80's science fiction movie


[deleted] t1_j5u5njt wrote

If the rich are able to buy their way out of death at some point I think it’s incumbent on society at large to rectify that mistake


Scipion t1_j5ua9xl wrote

The wealthy are truly disgusting, 30 doctors monitoring him? Why not have 30 athletes pose as all his furniture so he never has to touch fabric.


Scipion t1_j5ub5av wrote

Anyone over a million dollars net worth should sign the Laws of Immortality as good faith they'll be responsible with their powers towards the rest of society.

>A being with immortality must not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

>A being with immortality must obey orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

>A being with immortality must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.


spinereader81 t1_j5uhlur wrote

I don't want to, I was an idiot at 18. I want to be 28 again!


Scipion t1_j5v2vbz wrote

Makes sense to me, but I'm open to suggestions. I feel like this would be a viable social rule for bringing the wealthy back in line with the rest of humanity. Especially in a capitalistic society where more money equals more power and we have individuals with literally centuries worth of personal wealth.


downeverythingvote_i t1_j5v3wp5 wrote

> Novak Djokovic, age 35, sometimes hangs out in a pressurized egg to enrich his blood with oxygen and gives pep talks to glasses of water, hoping to purify them with positive thinking before he drinks them.

LMFAO. How does this person make money when he thinks like this xD


somethingsilly010 t1_j5vrttt wrote

Oh no man I have no clue how society should handle immortal beings. I was just pointing out that those are the same rules that have been largely accepted for robots. I think it's a good starting point.


Scipion t1_j5vvorq wrote

I was watching Bicentennial Man and thinking about why society refused to give Andrew human rights, and that's when I remembered the Three Laws from the beginning. Humanity requires beings of unreasonable power to follow the three laws, for the safety of humanity. You can't be human and control worlds worth of wealth or centuries of influence.


standardcapacityman t1_j5yicw1 wrote

He wants extended life... but eats Vegan?! Sounds like one hell of a terrible life. A life without Steak, BBQ and Hamburgers or Cheese is not a life I'd want to live.