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allboolshite t1_j5ze5y0 wrote

I think a lot of people would be shocked to find out IBM still has 3,900 employees to lay off. If you're not in tech or government or a large Corp, IBM has pretty much disappeared.


ScreamingMemales t1_j5zkzaj wrote

They still have over 275,000 employees worldwide. Not that small.


allboolshite t1_j5zs1t8 wrote

Sure, but if you're not in the right industry they don't exist. Versus the time from WWII through the 90s when they were everywhere.


Zeduca t1_j5zjagm wrote

It has always been a backend company, since 1950’s, except type writers


GBreezy t1_j5zq7ao wrote

You clearly don't undertake that not every company is consumer facing. Next thing you know you will tell me Sysco doesn't have 1k employees