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brenton07 t1_j42t8p8 wrote

Having a feature be commonplace and demand for that feature are two different things. Most computers sold in the late 90s had zipdisk slots. You know what medium never caught on? Zip disks.


teddytwelvetoes t1_j42ut3f wrote

Mental gymnastics. Touchscreens would've died a half decade ago if this was the case. But as I said, the rest of the industry have had a constant variety of touchscreen laptops at all price points for quite a long time now. They're quite obviously here to stay. And when Apple finally caves and does it in 2030 you lot will act like it's a killer new feature that the ghost of Steve Jobs crafted with his bare hands


Youvebeeneloned t1_j436o7x wrote

Touchscreens have not died because they keep trying to force it down as a high end thing.

But the fact that they are on a VERY slim fraction of computers sold tells you its a niche product with no traction.


DoomBot5 t1_j45d142 wrote

No, they're on a very slim fraction of MacBooks aka 0%. On other modern laptops, they're available on most models. I know you're just trolling here, but at least try to use facts that aren't easily disproven.


Youvebeeneloned t1_j46h9u5 wrote

They are literally on 3% of all laptops sold... try to use facts teenager.

At one time they were 10% of all laptops sold, LAST DECADE. They have not experienced that high since 2013 because like 3D displays they are a freaking fad.


DoomBot5 t1_j46jhm7 wrote

Ooh we got an edgy one. Let's see the source of your claim.


1-800-KETAMINE t1_j48xhxn wrote

The only info I can find on Google about laptop touchscreen sales rates says it was 10% of the market in 2013, and I'd be really surprised if that's dropped by 2/3 since then. Would love to see a source for that. Can't find anything about it so I could be wrong, who knows.

Anecdotally, feels like a lot more laptops now have touchscreen options than did in 2013. Why would they add it as such a widespread option if it's 3% of the market?