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rulesforrebels t1_j5g9o83 wrote

Why is this just happening now? Why is this just so coincidentally happening after printing 2 trillion at a time when nothing was being made and produced and trade and movement stopped around the world


Slyguybuyfry t1_j5glfia wrote

Well this is an incomplete take. That is but one factor, that helped drive demand. Through most of the last two years, we've been producing at unprecedented rates.

It's really a perfect storm of stimulus being slightly overdone, as a result demand being through the roof, while supply chains are intermitantly in dissaray, and labor shortage due to lack of immigration and periodic covid lockdowns and outbreaks in the workforce. Plus so many retired early as a result further creating a labor crisis. All that futher compounded by the rise of IoT and lockdown markets driving demand higher on tech. Everything needs a chip yet chip production was still 10 years behind.

Lot of supply side inflation here. Thats why interest rate hikes are taking such a long time to take effect, its an indirect way to impact the situation.


rulesforrebels t1_j5hmg98 wrote

We dont produce anything everything we consume is produced by China and they just opened back up


Slyguybuyfry t1_j5hpveq wrote

Eh depends on the industry. China is a big mfg for sure. Not sure what that had to do with my point tho. I was talking global.