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SoTiredIYuan t1_j6mxscy wrote

The fed's mandate is to control inflation. If they don't get it sorted by election time, it's going to bite them in the ass. They are going to use every trick in the book to try and sort it out.

Raising rates is one that they have direct control over. And the Federal Reserve says that raising rates may lead to unemployment.

>The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston said earlier Monday
that the Federal Reserve will have to keep increasing the interest rate
to get inflation down but that would also mean a rise in unemployment.
And as the Federal Reserve does plan to continue the interest rate
hikes, experts project that the national unemployment rate will rise
from 3.7 percent currently, to a median of 4.4 percent next year.

Directly or indirectly, the government is going to remove money supply from the economy by taking away jobs and making people accept low pay again out of desperation.