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t1_j65a5fx wrote

My thoughts on are this The AIs are going to need to be supervised because if they mess up the company is still going to be liable so you're still going to have just the same people doing the work they're just going to be inspecting might be a bit more efficient but it's not going to erase the jobs


t1_j65gndk wrote

Yes, just the same people will still be working, and it's not going to erase existing jobs, but the demand for new software developers will naturally decrease as this gets better.


t1_j65gtq0 wrote

Except for the fact that the demand for software is growing It should even out or possibly still grow

This is also give me one of those cases where boot camp kids are going to have a problem but degrees are going to be fine there's the higher level skills are going to become more important


t1_j65h9v8 wrote

It's going to get harder for BSc grads as well, because a chunk of them start off in the same position as those coding bootcamp kids.

My guess is that the industry will require increasingly higher education, more experience, and specified knowledge like the life sciences today. It's not impossible to get a good position in biotech when you graduate with a bio degree from college