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t1_j65dwut wrote

the only way to have basic coding go obsolete is for users to learn how to define their requirements... so never then. All they will end up with is the equivalent of advanced recorded macros


t1_j681lo3 wrote

If it can be used by a senior dev to produce code quickly, it could be a big win.

Also, the dev role would change to be more of a requirements analyst. Devs right now have to carry many hats, cutting down on that is also a big plus.


t1_j68394j wrote

No such thing as a senior Dev once nobody is coming through the pipeline


t1_j683ix3 wrote

Yeah, that's one of the things I've been mulling over.

However, in a way, this discussion isn't new. Developers these days in general don't start with writing assembly any more (which I actually did when I was 15) and so don't really understand how a CPU works. That has caused some of the same arguments. But has it become a problem really?

These days, developers start at a higher level of thinking about writing programs and go from there. AI code generators just raise that level even higher.


t1_j68hl93 wrote

To be honest, it would be really cool to have something like a compiler that can understand your code well enough to generate optimized assembly instead of interpreted javascript.