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t1_j4oegwi wrote

> They also assert that somehow being owed a debt counts towards your net worth, but having debt doesn't count against it, which is absolutely nonsensical.

Have you looked at how money enters circulation?

Hint hint: it's because of shenanigans like what you just wrote.

(I'm explicitly not defending it. I think it's dumb, but it's what our financial system is based off of.)


t1_j4pc6nd wrote

Introducing more money to an economy is not the same as a loan.

In this case, you haven't created value in that case, you've simply fractionalized the value that currently exists. This is an important distinction.

Even with more loan-like things like treasury bonds, the instrument is a little more like a future (in reverse) than a loan.

None of these things create money on a balance sheet. There are huge benefits to owning assets and taking loans on them, but doing so does not mean you suddenly have no liabilities.