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t1_j5cv1dw wrote

Nope. We literally do not have the resources/and or supply chain solely rely on alternatives for everything.

And I don't suggest nuclear to the exclusion of all else.

But battery tech that is barely out of research phase, small scale trials, or requires significant increase in supply capacity is still decades away from being a force in the industry.

What part of we are out of time do some people not understand.


OP t1_j5cvxag wrote

Yes. We can do it without using any excessive amount of any rare material. Storage can be done with cheap materials available in essentially unlimited amounts (steel, for example). The materials required are small compared to the materials used by industrial society as a whole.

You should have realized that your claim there requires that you know that no possible storage technology or combinations thereof could do the job. You are making a very strong claim that would require exhaustive analysis of all known or possible storage technologies that I am sure you have not performed. The claim that it could be done only requires finding some specific counterexamples.