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paulfdietz OP t1_j5cvka2 wrote

To supply six hours of storage for 600 GW of power with a vertical displacement of 100 meters and water depth of 10 meters, you'd need upper and lower reservoirs with total area of about 3000 km^2. That's a tiny fraction (about 0.03%) of the land area of the United States.


MasterDew5 t1_j5eli76 wrote

Where are you going to find 750,000 ac. to build a 10 meter deep reservoir with a 100 meter fall? Plus this is using 100% efficiency. When in practice you are lucky to get over 60%. Look up Raccoon Mtn in Tennessee.


prometheus2508 t1_j5cvtvs wrote

That's a unit calculation. How many 600 GW units do we need?

I've done the math myself, that's why I know it's bullshit.


paulfdietz OP t1_j5d45nt wrote

600 GW is roughly the average power used by the US grid.

EDIT: more like 470 GW. Ballpark.


prometheus2508 t1_j5d4gio wrote

600GJ PER SECOND is the average power used by the US electrical grid?!


paulfdietz OP t1_j5d71un wrote

Average power being put onto the grid, yes, around that.

World average rate of primary energy consumption is around 18,000 GW. This includes thermal input to all sectors: transportation, industry, commercial and not just fuel used for electricity production.