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Cynical_Cabinet t1_j5do1mf wrote

Wait, what? Nuscale is working on more than one reactor design? That defeats the whole purpose of mass production using a single design. Time to abandon this horrifically expensive one and stick with the design that's been approved.


deja_geek t1_j5dqou9 wrote

It's not the design but inflation pressure on the supply chain.


muffinhead2580 t1_j5gk8vl wrote

Yeah, maybe according to what NuScale is saying. But if you look at the cost increase percentages of the manufacturing materials they don't add up to the increase in cost NuScale is claiming.


paulfdietz OP t1_j5h9zjy wrote

And materials are only a fraction of the total cost of making something.


Arael15th t1_j5iliej wrote

Huh? Nobody tells Apple to stick to making only the iphone...


energetic-dad t1_j5jq32w wrote

They increased the capacity from 50 to 77 megawatts. It's largely the same design. The 77 MW is likely to be approved soon.