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nsfwtttt t1_j6guv7v wrote

The first paragraph you quoted does not come from the document, it just describes what negative tests are.

The second refers to a document titled “how to..” and the only description of it is “it contains examples of tests”… he says “it’s the most horrible document I ever read”, so I’d expect him to describe what was so horrible in it… a test of loading an image that drained the battery faster? Jesus Christ! The children! The horror!!!


JohannesOliver t1_j6i8hah wrote

It’s from the NY Post. That’s how every article is.

The real lesson is that tabloids sometimes have legitimate-sounding names.


bryguy001 t1_j6j9aqs wrote

Exactly. And look at how many NPCs here jumped on the 15 minutes of hate bandwagon in these comments.

Keep this in mind whenever you notice someone being vilified on this site.