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ineedabuttrub t1_j5vk01i wrote

>it's about whether or not your presence on these sites can be monetized in some way.

So get an adblocker and don't care if they use your email to send you ads you'll never see?


Lumiafan t1_j5vnzmw wrote

OK, sounds good to me. But how does that mitigate any of the concerns people seem to have with online privacy/tracking?


ineedabuttrub t1_j5wefxv wrote

You said

>The vast majority of this has little to do with bad actors trying to invade your privacy to spy on you; rather, it's about whether or not your presence on these sites can be monetized in some way.

So the vast majority of concerns should be mitigated by an adblocker, according to you.

And if you're that worried about privacy, use a new email for everything you sign up to. With password managers like Bitwarden there's no worry of forgetting passwords, or remembering which password goes with which account.


Lumiafan t1_j5wg13k wrote

I'm sorry what you got from my comments was that I'm personally worried about any of this.


ineedabuttrub t1_j5wopan wrote

That's not what I said at all, but thank you for confirming you have trouble with reading comprehension.