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StickiStickman t1_j6dddc1 wrote

Well that's a really stupid fucking lie.

It's better in every single way than GPT-3.

Why are you just making shit up?


ShrimpCrackers t1_j6dm6ne wrote

What the fuck are you talking about, they're BOTH based on GPT-3 and they're both from OpenAI.

ChatGPT is basically just a modified, user-friendly version of text-davinci-003 in the playground. But it takes nothing to learn how to use the playground and its literally better because you can at least fine tune your responses and it even has voice inputs.


StickiStickman t1_j6eybii wrote

Stop spreading lies. ChatGPT is different just from the architecture and training set alone.


ShrimpCrackers t1_j6h2fx9 wrote

It's not that different. They're tuned differently but pretty much everyone using both will agree that Davinci is better although harder to use versus ChatGPT but not by much. Takes minutes to learn.


StickiStickman t1_j6idpr2 wrote

If you want to keep living in your own world, go ahead. Literally no one except you thinks that, especially anyone in the professional ML space like me.