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FreezingRobot t1_j43e498 wrote

First off, it's a processor that nobody in their right mind would pay for.

Secondly, clock speed isn't the most important thing when it comes to actual processor speed, or the work it does.


oodelay t1_j44jeho wrote

Autocad is still single core process.


BasilExposition75 t1_j44mm7f wrote

We have simulation environments at work which are single core. The next state requires knowledge of the previous one. Can’t pipeline. This might work for us.


oodelay t1_j44n6cc wrote

Having the right tool is so much more important than having the best tool.


RunnBunnyRunn t1_j4a0t6i wrote

depends on what tool you are using and if that tool is for the purpose intended


cth777 t1_j4700ue wrote

I still question if this is a better option than the non-S version. You’re spending a ton of power and likely running into thermal problems without excellent cooling for a very small improvement in single core performance


BasilExposition75 t1_j49cnqx wrote

You should see the cost of what we did otherwise. We water cooled a bunch of gaming machines and that worked well until the ac broke and the machines got soaked. Still cheaper than time.