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aneeta96 t1_j6j5enb wrote

What charity?

People were either curious or saw a way it could help them. No one tried it out just because they thought it would help the nice company.

As for the rest, AI is not going away. That genie left the bottle years ago. The biggest companies in the world have been dumping billions into the tech. It is going to change society and some folks will be better off for it and some will not be. Nothing new here.


MyNameIsRobPaulson t1_j6kh5i6 wrote

The entitlement is mind blowing. The selfless “charity” of using a free service.


I_ONLY_PLAY_4C_LOAM t1_j6knmcw wrote

A free service trained on millions of lines of text OpenAI didn't create. Entitlement indeed.


Admiral_Eversor t1_j6me7lv wrote

That objection is getting old fast. Whining about copyrighting isn't going to stop the development of A.I.. I recommend getting used to it.


Cakeking7878 t1_j6l7ehf wrote

Again, the issue is not the tech, it’s how we distribute the benefits of the tech. In a society where robots have taken over our jobs, we should seek to provide everyone with a minimum standard of living so they can pursue their own passions


aneeta96 t1_j6lzcvu wrote

AI is going to take jobs. That is the goal.

It will not be fair, whatever that is. When has the world ever been fair?
