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blackkettle t1_j6mk578 wrote

I work in R&D in this space. There is a cost associated with training and running inference on these things. With data curation, and with the human resource funding for research. But the latter is also funded in large part by the public.

The data itself is entirely produced by the collective output of humanity. In the next 5-10 years these tools will begin to eliminate white collar professional jobs - it will happen. And as it does, dealing with that at a societal level will become a matter of great import.

Recognizing our collective contribution and actively directing these achievements towards a better shared future - sharing the benefits - will either make or break us IMO.

My 6 year old son will come of age in a radically different world. And I believe that we the creators have a responsibility to ensure that that world promotes better equity for all.


johnny_kobra t1_j6mkzzn wrote

Wouldn't the issues caused to the society by removing white collar jobs be a nifty task for the AI to solve? And if said AI is trained by collective output of humanity, wouldn't we be assisting it in coming up with solution?


TheFarmerDude t1_j6mpum8 wrote

Help me understand, if the white collar job is gone, that's gonna decimate the middle class. Who's gonna buy stuff? Are these companies optimising themselves out of the business?


Lyftaker t1_j6ouj9v wrote

They are playing hot potato with a hand grenade. They know it's going to go off but none of them is planning to be the one holding it when it does. Also this wouldn't be the first time in history that a few people have tried to conquer the world. We would work and they would rule.


FobbingMobius t1_j6mn6o5 wrote

Ah, the noblesse oblige argument.


blackkettle t1_j6mnmbz wrote

I’ll be surprised if the status quo holds once doctors and lawyers start losing their jobs. I think that will be the tipping point. That group still holds some wealth and political power.