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Rad_Dad6969 t1_j6nco9h wrote

The best part about e3 is having such a huge load of announcements and updates dropped at the same time.

But the last 3 years have highlighted how dumb it is to show off next gen graphics during a live show. Just make a pre-recorded showcase so we can actually appreciate all that work.


katiecharm t1_j6nmznf wrote

As a kid I could not imagine a bigger wonderland than E3. As an adult it’s just a cringe tradition that probably needs to die.

If the public can’t come, there’s little point. 12 year old me was right.


ShawnyMcKnight t1_j6o71j5 wrote

I thought E3 was cancelled?

Good for them! It was outrageous what E3 was charging to rent the spaces when they can just have their own event for far cheaper.


Xtratos69 t1_j6ph7rg wrote

I think the major problem with E3 for the majors became having to have something to show when they weren’t ready for it. As AAA games go from taking a couple years to develop to more than 5 years for many they would end up showing video that was just as likely to never make it into the game as it would. With all 3 of the majors now doing directs they can wait to announce something until they have a better idea of when it will actually launch and what will be in it. And let’s face it, they still miss launch dates as often as make them.