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TundieRice t1_j3g0am0 wrote

Are these comments satire? Because I’m getting major Poe’s Law from this thread.

Are people really invested in VR realism enough to want to feel what it’s like getting stabbed and shot?! If so, damn y’all are more hardcore than me.


Stiggalicious t1_j3g1ohg wrote

I’m more curious than anything, but this is absolutely a whole new layer of immersion that makes VR an even better experience. I’d absolutely try this out, not just for the gunshot/stabbing feedback but other sensory inputs like wind, chills, intense heartbeats, etc.

Imagine what SOMA in VR would be like with this. (Please make a VR port of SOMA!)


iambolo t1_j3ncz5l wrote

I think its more of a distinct sensation than actually replicating the intense agony of a stab or gunshot wound