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RTwhyNot t1_j9v3h61 wrote

Don’t watch “season” 9. Great fucking show. It will make you crack up and then rip your heart out.


ChaserNeverRests OP t1_j9v74dd wrote

I noticed that season 9 had a different title format (Our...), and I thought I remembered people saying it was bad, so thanks for confirming that!


Maninhartsford t1_j9wqgiz wrote

It's hardly the worst show ever, but it was supposed to be a spinoff and ABC said no, so it's presented like another season when season 8 was really supposed to be the end. It's mostly from new writers, and it shows. If you choose to watch it, definitely take some time away from the series for a while first, but honestly there just isn't that much to recommend, it's pretty bland