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RadoBlamik t1_ja5nrwf wrote

The Boys is the only one I can think of. You can’t really go to the CW for a good show, that’s like going to a hotdog stand and asking for a filet mignon...they’re just not gonna have it, that’s not what they do there.


Chelch t1_ja5o5cr wrote

Heroes might be a good example.

Its not really a good show past the first season, but it fits the criteria somewhat.


NGNSteveTheSamurai t1_ja5o9jv wrote

The first season of Heroes is great. Goes terribly downhill after that.


ObiWanCanownme t1_ja5of7p wrote

The Boys is the obvious one.

Invincible and One Punch Man are good answers too.


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_ja5ow9u wrote

Jessica Jones fits this solid, especially with season 1 which deals with trauma from an abusive relationship and how to overcome that.


Edm_vanhalen1981 t1_ja5pbii wrote

A few years ago there was a show called Jupiter's Legacy. Only made it to 8 episodes but it was adult themed.


bss83 t1_ja5pc51 wrote

Legion. Criminally underrated.


Kevbot1000 t1_ja5pdhy wrote

Daredevil, and Peacemaker might both fit your bill.

Jessica Jones has a great first season, but drops off.


cbbuntz t1_ja5pihi wrote

I know this is about TV shows, but Joker doesn't even feel like a superhero movie. Just an interesting psychological thriller


Gr00z t1_ja5pzz1 wrote

Invincible, Legion, the Umbrella Academy, Ragnarok, Titans...