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maqikelefant t1_j9lu8cj wrote

I read the article before I commented. It's a vapid, worthless puff piece that's more interested in fellating Bloys than actually giving any meaningful insight.

And frankly, his intentions are irrelevant. Just because he says something, that doesn't automatically make it a good idea. This would be far from the first time an exec made absolutely moronic decisions about their product.

Everyone I know saw Max as an extension of HBO proper; the similarities only increased the company's rep and prestige among consumers. I think he's searching for an answer to a problem which doesn't actually exist, while creating new problems in the process.


archlector t1_j9n16no wrote

The problem actually exists, and is obvious in the subtext: He doesn't have enough money to do many of those kinds of shows anymore. So he's putting a PR spin on it in this article. It's fairly obvious, lol.