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mandevwin t1_j9ilhd0 wrote

I keep buying old used ones. Haven't seen any new ones that aren't "smart"


Selgae t1_j9ioavy wrote

Look for “commercial monitors”.


bf3h62u1a4j9hy6y95mz t1_j9iqm8n wrote

Why not just buy the tv you want and leave it disconnected from the internet?


fcocyclone t1_j9irmrz wrote

What part about it being 'smart' do you hate? You can use most samsung or sony tvs and never interact with the smart functions. I know my sony has an option to simply go to the last used input on start, which if not using the smart tv functions would go to whichever HDMI i'd been using.

For the most part they just throw in the smart features because most people want them. They can be ignored pretty easily.


bf3h62u1a4j9hy6y95mz t1_j9is0tw wrote

I have never once gone through what you're describing in the 4 TVs I've purchased in the past 5 years. I just plug in an apple TV and it works fine. You don't have to connect them to the internet. You're going to be sacrificing picture quality looking for some no name brand without a smart interface.


ImaginationNo2643 t1_j9itje7 wrote

Non issue. Literally just use the tv with an hdmi input instead of the built in functions