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lightsongtheold t1_j8tz0qv wrote

Crazy how few folks on Reddit realise the truth of this. They are cutting $3 billion of content. Of course they cannot afford as many Star Wars or Marvel shows. They will up the volume again if folks start churning out and the cutting loses them more subscription revenue than it gains in budget savings.


Worthyness t1_j8vn3we wrote

Maybe giving them a lower budget will force them to actually get creative lol


Feniksrises t1_j8wdby0 wrote

Remember reality TV? That's what cable turned to in order to lower costs.


poolamoffa t1_j8wrniu wrote

I’d watch big brother Death Star edition


nnuu t1_j8wx9kv wrote

I'd watch Survivor: Jedi vs Sith


ANewEraOfOpinion t1_j90sr1d wrote

Maybe we’re about to enter the era of content creators making TV shows / movies on their YouTube platforms.


GDawnHackSign t1_j8yo8fc wrote

> Crazy how few folks on Reddit realise the truth of this.

Reddit is so polarized about Disney it is almost impossible to have a sane conversation. Either they hate everything the mouse does or they love it and that doesn't leave a lot of room for discussion.