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Worthyness t1_j8vnfuz wrote

Bad Batch is basically just a side continuation of Clone Wars. I'm mostly OK with that cause Clone Wars is fun to watch and the lore is really great (when it focuses on that). Echo is basically gonna be Daredevil Season 3.5 to facilitate "New" Daredevil into the MCU web.

That said, if we get more Andor type projects, I'm all for it- no one asked for that and it's arguably the best thing Disney+ has produced


JewishMaghreb t1_j8w430s wrote

I’m not even a Star Wars fan and I thought Andor was perfect


AffectionateBox8178 t1_j95m99y wrote

Andor was 15-20 mil/episode and had 12 episodes.

Way too expensive for the lowest live action viewership/engagement.


DisneyDreams7 t1_j8wenhh wrote

It’s not really a continuation of Clone Wars since it’s lower in quality and the writing is pretty bad compared to Clone Wars. It’s more of a continuation of Rebels


magvadis t1_j8x4rkc wrote

Clone Wars writing was like 60% terrible so idk how it can be that much worse.


DisneyDreams7 t1_j8ycygc wrote

Avatar the Last Airbender’s writing was like 60% terrible so idk how it can be that much worse.


SaltySAX t1_j8z237a wrote

What Rebels, that is the best thing in the entire franchise? That Rebels?