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ConvenienceStoreDiet t1_j8146gj wrote

I watched the whole thing. First two episodes, then finished the rest last night with some friends.

From my experience watching it after those first two episodes, it was tedious. But I saw a kind of interesting story underneath it. There were elements that were interesting that I really liked. But I felt like it made the audience suffer through an exceptionally unlikable and judgmental protagonist and endless self-congratulatory and witty meta comments to get to the story.

After watching the last 8 last night, it was frustrating. There was interesting character development and arcs and story that you could tell was created by some seasoned creatives. But it was just bogged down a bunch of filler episodes and willful ignorance on behalf of the characters that filled up time away from the characters. This could've been cut down to a feature length and been much more interesting. At one point, it started to get interesting. It was focused on the characters. People were doing things. I was into it. Then moments later I remember there was a scene where Velma commented on flashbacks, and they went into a whole routine about that. I screamed, "nooooo!" My buddy was like, "that was the biggest laugh I had in this show." At one point we started to have an intense moment where the killer showed up. And then they went into a parody rather than pulling us into the story. And I think this is what this show did. Every time you started to care, it found a way to take you out of the moment and make you not care.

By the end, once they were all together solving the mysteries, it was really interesting. But it really made you slog through a lot of tedious self-commentary and endless mean jokes to get to there. And by the end, the story was okay. It was a mystery. I wanted to see it solved. Honestly I wouldn't have minded if they trashed all the jokes and filler and made this a pg-13 show that just focused on the mystery part. That actually would have worked better than this. Of course there were a few jokes that were funny, but maybe once every episode or two. And a few interesting and creative things, like the mean girl brains. Daphne was probably the most interesting character to watch, followed by Fred. Norville was okay once his storyline became about him and his girlfriend. And the title character was exhausting with how awful she was to everyone.

Overall, kinda interesting story, decent performances, and kind of interesting character development that made you suffer through a lot of frustrating comedy and commentary that made the show feel like if Twitter wrote it.