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tinoynk t1_j9wvzyo wrote

It’s kind of a mix. Many episodes have a self-contained story, but a lotta the time that’ll be something like a Dutch/Claudette story while the Vic/Strike Team storyline may factor more into the overall serial aspect.

Overall I think it’s an awesome show, but there is a LOT of it and there are stretches where things drag, but there’s always awesome performances, and it really does get better as it goes along.

Basically the first 2-3 seasons are them getting away with all kinds of crazy shit, and the rest is that all slowly crumbling around them, and that second part is the best.


AF2005 t1_ja05srf wrote

I think the best thing about this show was discovering Walton Goggins. That’s an actor that can fit comfortably into any role. But in The Shield that was a man who had no business carrying a badge. A true thug and scumbag.


Cappy2020 t1_ja1wpvo wrote

To this day, still the best finale of any television show I’ve ever watched. The absolute catharsis I felt watching it has yet to be topped in my experience.