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AnonMthrFkr t1_j8zj4f4 wrote

No one has Vince McMahon's drive to make WWE the success it was. The company will die with him. Sadly, the glory days are over/have been over for sometime.

Besides, the biggest warning sign that the WWE isn't worth $9 billion is the fact that he wants to sell it.


merelyadoptedthedark t1_j8zo4u3 wrote

WWE is more profitable now than at any point in its history.

He likely wants to sell it because it seems he doesn't want to leave it to his kids anymore.

Shane was fired a couple years ago, and Stephanie was kicked out this past year.

Shane also sold all his stocks years ago.


AnonMthrFkr t1_j8zoz1g wrote

>WWE is more profitable now than at any point in its history.

I've seen the metrics, the broadcast rights are big. But, that doesn't mean the wrestlers are as exciting as they used to be.

When McMahon's out, whoever buys it, most likely a corporation, we're going to see that pointed arrow pointing downward.

That's my prediction, not my wish.


merelyadoptedthedark t1_j8zshw8 wrote

>that doesn't mean the wrestlers are as exciting as they used to be.

Sounds like you haven't watched wrestling in 20 years.


AnonMthrFkr t1_j8ztr9e wrote

I haven't.

The Rock and Austin was my last. Since then, everyone I know who watched wrestling slowly gave it up, telling me what I said, "The new guys just aren't as exciting as the old guys."

I don't want wrestling to fail; I don't gain anything from it. Vince had the passion and vision to make it what it was and is today. Whoever comes after will only see numbers, and that'll kill a show.


merelyadoptedthedark t1_j8zwj5z wrote

So you are 20 years out of touch on a product, have no idea about the current state of the industry, but you still feel qualified to offer an opinion?

The fact is that wrestling shows are usually in the top five for whatever night they are on, be it cable or broadcast.


AnonMthrFkr t1_j9014td wrote

Remember my prediction, and after Vince is through, when the WWE is making a slow descent into oblivion, look me up.


osmlol t1_j90a0yn wrote

WWE product arguably improved leaps and bounds during his recent exit. HHH behind the creative team was kicking ass. Vince is out of touch with what the fans want now.