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MyStationIsAbandoned t1_j9hcprr wrote

yeah, idk what that guy is talking about The Walking Dead has been a shit show most of the time, but the actors are seriously top notch. Rick's accent is great. I've lived in the south most of my life. I don't people realize there's a ton of different types of southern accents. When I was a kid i even noticed this after meeting people from Charleston compared to people from a completely different city in that same state.

I've heard plenty of Ricks and Shane accents. I've even heard one of those crazy prim and proper early 1900's southern accents from this old guy in college. I half expected them to say "i do declare". It was so long ago that my memory wants to believe he did say it.


GamingTatertot t1_j9hggik wrote

> When I was a kid i even noticed this after meeting people from Charleston compared to people from a completely different city in that same state.

Yeah, my Charleston accent is very different from an accent of just someone in SC upstate


HornetKick t1_j9hyq2s wrote

>i do declare

And Pascal does not have a Southern accent. Is that what he is doing?


ImAMindlessTool t1_j9jfvkc wrote

Georgian, Texan, Appalachian, Gulf (MS, AL, FL shores), Backwoods Mississippi, Cajun, and Carolinian .. all sound different but have that same twang to it. Except backwoods MS. Some people there speak mumbling gibberish.


coolhandluq t1_j9kt5d0 wrote

That's not a Texan accent you're describing, just a dated stereotype.