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meowskywalker t1_j9kne79 wrote

Stunt people get hurt all the time. That’s what we pay them definitely not enough for.


jimboknows6916 OP t1_j9koe56 wrote

i hear ya, but this seems like a monumentally simple thing to fix.

fall frontwards, lay a mat down, change the camera angle, etc etc


lylastermind t1_j9oc92f wrote

Fwiw, and I forget the source, but I've heard stunt people take pride in the pain shots. I'd imagine it's a "if I'm gonna fuckin break an arm for you you better use it" mentality


jimboknows6916 OP t1_j9ohqhp wrote

oh thats an interesting point i hadnt thought of. like a "dont let this massive concussion be in vain" type of thing