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GETtotheCHOPPPAAAAAA t1_jaalvxr wrote

Just like NPR. They're catering to latte liberals rather than the working class and others who actually depend on public radio and television.


St1834 t1_jacgcwm wrote

Isn't the whole point of PBS learning, not just experiencing stuff they already know about? And last year's documentary slate notably benefited from this initiative and had great documentaries like The Last Out, Shut Up and Paint, Scenes from the Glittering World, Let the Little Light Shine, Midwives, Delikado, When Claude Got Shot, Owned, Happiness is 4 Million, An Act of Worship, etc.

This is all off the top of my head just from POV and Independent Lens btw, not even getting into Ken Burns's documentary about Muhammad Ali, America Reframed, etc.