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headyyeti t1_j7c8w5t wrote

ShOuLd I wAtCh oNe oF tHe MoSt hIgHLy LoVeD sHoWs oF aLL tImE?


OKC2023champs OP t1_j7c966p wrote

Lost doesn’t even crack IMDBs top 250 tv shows based on user voting and has always had very polarizing reviews.

So no I don’t think it’s one of the highest rated shows of all time, and I think I asked a fair question. Go on though


headyyeti t1_j7c9gld wrote

Just letting you know why people are downvoting this


OKC2023champs OP t1_j7c9k9k wrote

Ah I didn’t check the downvotes lol. I don’t care about Karma lol, just wanted to see what peoples opinions are.

What did you think of lost?


headyyeti t1_j7catwg wrote

If you loved The Leftovers (my personal favorite show) you are absolutely guaranteed to love LOST all the way through. Go in absolutely blind though.


No-Car541 t1_j7cl4ct wrote

Also the show launched the whole meme about the ending “sticking the landing” and subsequent discussions of whether or not a show should be defined by it’s ending. I think the show still leaves a bitter enough taste that people don’t give it the credit or respect that it deserves.