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NeighborhoodLanky692 t1_j8va2e9 wrote

I watched half an episode and it felt sooooo slow. Like we’re just watching people hanging on the ceiling and it wasn’t very interesting.


Wegianblue OP t1_j8vexwa wrote

Keep watching dude. It gets sooo much better


fiercetankbattle t1_j8viia7 wrote

The first episode where they spend ages introducing everyone then do the hanging thing is the worst episode and a bad start. Quickly gets a lot better


NeighborhoodLanky692 t1_j8vonza wrote

Feels like the show has serious pacing issues, I fast forwarded through a lot and saw that they played the same game from the end of ep 1 to the start of ep 4, and then spent almost 30 minutes just picking teams. The more intricate challenges are fun, I wish the show knew what to focus on.


typingblackbelt t1_j8ytueg wrote

The physical challenges are interesting enough if you can manage to suffer through the reality television pageantry. So over produced with repeating clips that attempt to manufacture some sort of tension.

When I do watch it, it is with my hand on the remote, thumbing the fast forward button.