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the-one-who-knocks t1_j8d1dun wrote

Doesn’t physically cheat on her, but definitely neglects her over the guise of legally helping clear his ex lovers name which contributes to his wife’s start of alcohol abuse.


Dancingedleslie t1_j8dex0l wrote

Kirsten was going to end up in trouble whether the Sandy/Rebecca thing happened or not. I’m sure that didn’t help though.

He definitely neglects her while not physically cheating. Neither of them cheat but both have chances to. Sandy’s was a tough one because he never got closure with Rebecca. Doesn’t excuse his behavior but it’s realistic.


the-one-who-knocks t1_j8duy7i wrote

Yep it definitely wasn’t the root cause, which is why I said contributed. I think if we needed to find a root cause for her alcoholism it would be Caleb marrying Julie Cooper Nickel 😂

And also the Newpsies were a head ache as well.