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t1_jadgiwu wrote

If you ignore the lore, as the showrunners did, it's not brutal. It's not terrible. It's .. ok. The main character is unpleasant as she repeatedly goes places and threatens them in order to speak to the manager. I call her Karendriel. Hopefully they tone that down in S2 and stop her from acting like a crazy person (in one episode she threatens to murder all of Adar's children in front of him to make him watch and then in the next episode when a guy's like 'hey i hate those orcs' she says 'don't hold hate in your heart' like it's supposed to be profound but really was just first draft writing that noone fixed)


t1_jado76k wrote

Yeah, Galadriel 'In him [Fëanor] she perceived a darkness that she hated and feared, though she did not perceive that the shadow of the same evil had fallen upon the minds of all the Noldor, and upon her own' of the house of Finwë would never make that mistake.