Submitted by t3_1181c8s in television

I enjoyed watching LOST so much.

Even if some people could be hating the ending and not getting much answers to so many questions.

But in its entirety, I really loved the show.

The characters: Charlie, Hurley, Ben Linus, John Locke

The Desmond & Penny love story.

The Sayid & Nadia love story.

All the mysteries.

The acting performances and the script.

It was such a revolution in the TV industry back then.

So many shows tried to replicate that recently but they all failed.



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t1_j9eqcuw wrote

Mini Series: Band of Brothers

Running Series (more than 1 season): Always Sunny in Philadelphia


t1_j9er2se wrote

If you love lost and haven’t watched The Leftovers do so now


OP t1_j9er6r9 wrote

I did watch The Leftovers and really loved it. It's also in the very top of my list. Damon Lindelof is simply an amazing storyteller.


t1_j9esk58 wrote

Mini series: True Detective (it's just one season for me, shut up)

Current TV show: Barry

Favorite TV show ever: Mad Men


OP t1_j9estns wrote

I also enjoyed the first season so much. By far the best one. I watched a little bit of the second one too.


t1_j9f0axp wrote

Supernatural. It's shlock for many, but it just ticks off all the boxes for me

  • monsters, mythology and meta
  • classic rock, muscle cars and road trips
  • top-tier brotherhood

t1_ja1ga6u wrote

Idk how to describe it other than “it’s just watchable”. They just had good chemistry from the very beginning, and even with the over the top plot lines after 7 seasons or so, you just enjoy the characters. That Kansas montage at the end after all those years though, that’s a tear jerker.


t1_j9etlqy wrote

Mr. Robot. It's so suspenseful and immersive.


t1_j9eyme5 wrote

Lost is awesome, i watched it so many times and i know i will watch it more times again.

But other than this, best Show:

Legion & Leftovers (with Lost the holy L-Triangle)


t1_j9eqdmp wrote

Oz (Hbo)


t1_j9ev8g0 wrote

It was great at first but got boring and stupid towards the end. Schillinjer and Adebisi carried much of the show(imo).


OP t1_j9eqicd wrote

I never watched that show but I know it was amazing because i've heard so many good things about it, i think Prison Break took so much inspiration from it and back in the days it was also one of the most revolutionary TV Shows with The Sopranos, The Wire, Lost... I would love to watch it.


t1_j9f50ih wrote

Breaking Bad.

Only because it somehow manages to have the best of LOST, Friends, Fresh Prince, Prison Break, Martin all wrapped in one while being it's own original story in Walter White and Jesse Pinkman.


t1_j9g90g3 wrote

That's a complicated one...

My fave shows:

  • The Wire
  • Breaking Bad
  • Fargo

My fave seasons ?

  • Chernobyl
  • True Detective S1
  • The Terror S1

t1_j9eqsrj wrote

Being erica,

Its just a guilty pleasure.


OP t1_j9erdzi wrote

my guilty pleasure is Z Nation - not the best tv show of all time but i really enjoyed how good it became season after season


t1_j9fnps6 wrote

It introduced the television world to JJ Abrams mystery boxes which were made to seem very important, but actually weren't, and I think that bleeds into a lot of his storytelling formula.


t1_j9gtjmq wrote

The X-Files. And Lost is definitely in my top 5 shows of all time.


t1_j9h2y4z wrote

One of mine too. Great show. And the original Twilight Zone.


t1_j9hhfrt wrote

My top 3 because I can't decide which is my favorite

Game of Thrones


The Americans


t1_j9hooxa wrote

Star Trek: The Next Generation is my favorite show and has been since I was 11 years old.


t1_j9hs06q wrote

Spartacus the TV show is incredibly good if you love gladiators and ancient rome.


t1_j9i48g8 wrote

Breaking Bad, Sopranos, Attack on Titan


t1_j9koydk wrote

The OA. It’s the most unique storytelling I’ve ever seen and I have never found anything that comes close.


t1_j9snqkm wrote

Doctor Who. It's constantly kept fresh by the built in recasting mechanism and effortlessly skates between light-heartedly silly and deeply emotional.


t1_j9ew603 wrote

For me it's MASH.

The biggest reason for me is how thoroughly and brilliantly they explored its setting and what a TV dramedy could be. Smartly written comedic episodes, very poignant dramatic ones, a bunch of episodes that blurred that line, and quite a few experimental episodes that pushed the format of the series in very creative ways.

And for me, it has my favorite cast on a TV series. Through the emotional highs and lows, you get to know these characters so thoroughly that even some of the bigger caricatures have their moments of humanity (even if it's more hidden in someone like Frank). And while some actors are stronger than others, I thought they were all very good in their respective roles, and did a very admirable job playing the various emotional beats they had to throughout the seasons and bring their characters to life as well as they did.

Edit: I will say that Lost used to be mine as well, and while that's no longer the case, it's still pretty high on my list.
