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Redeem123 t1_j9q73zy wrote

Right I’m aware - that’s what I mentioned in my comment. I just don’t see much of a story there. The main story we hear of his past was the visit Mike’s grandad(?) witnessed. But in general, what we know about them all is that everyone died.


Ooften t1_j9qfao3 wrote

Not necessarily. Every 27 years for thousands of years opens up a lot of story ideas depending on if each episode is standalone or the season follows one major event. We only know of, what, three major events (iron works explosion, gang shoot out, nightclub fire)?


Redeem123 t1_j9qgft3 wrote

Sure, I'm not saying I'm not open to it. I'm just trying to figure out what we'll see based on what the story gives us.

I just feel like there needs to be something more than "people start dying, town freaks out, someone chases away the evil, evil goes into hibernation." It would feel like just an adaptation of the story we've already seen, but with new characters subbed in.

I'm fully ready to be proved wrong though. It's just my first impression.


Tanagrabelle t1_j9qpit6 wrote

There was also a sort of malaise (probably the wrong word) in Derry, because of It. Any small issue affecting the negative behavior increased. I theorize low impulse-control, for one thing.


ringobob t1_j9u2b6v wrote

It sounds like you're only familiar with the movies, the book gives a lot more historical material to work with that was just cut completely out of the movies. Some of it is more covered briefly, some of it is pretty detailed. But there's a lot to work with.


Redeem123 t1_j9u47k1 wrote

I’ve read the book. That’s why I mentioned Mike’s family’s backstory … though maybe that was in the movie too, I don’t remember.

I know that there’s more backstory there, but at no point did I think “this would be an interesting TV show.” Like I said, I’ll be watching and I’d be happy to be proved wrong. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time. But apparently questioning the premise is a no-no on this one.


ringobob t1_j9u5wzp wrote

Oh, you were referencing the Black Spot incident. I think they do make at least a small reference to it in the movies.

I guess the major difference is that I feel like all of those stories, actually getting into them as much as we do in the books, is a strength of the book and part of what makes it not entirely cumbersome at its page count, it really drives home that this is not a new problem, but it's entirely too much to fit into a movie, or even two movies.


Redeem123 t1_j9u6urz wrote

Oh for sure. They’re great segments of the book. I’m just wary of how much they’ll stand on their own versus just being flashbacks.

I would’ve loved a full proper adaptation as a series. The first movie was great and the second was okay, but there’s just so much in the book that can’t fit. Now it feels like they’re going about it both ways. We’ll see though.