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GarlVinland4Astrea t1_j9tivs7 wrote

That has far less to do with Muschietti and more to do with how they split the material imo. The adult portion in the novels is meant to be mixed in and be complimented by the child person. It doesn't stand as well on it's own because it was never meant to.


LlewelynMoss1 t1_j9tnzpq wrote

I'm talking about the film looking worse visually. And him getting bad performances out of good actors. And him using the trope he used from Mama for the attacks in chapter 1 one of "penny wise runs at characters quick then nothing happens". And him losing track of the tone of the film to the point it was a comedy. And going with an ending of bullying the clown into a baby. And then spending 1 hour on useless totems that felt unrelated to them and pointless in the plot. And him relegating the only black character to doing almost nothing in each film. And the letter for the suicide that is like "don't worry guys it was cool my husband completes suicide". And lastly that chapter 2 is one of the worst major horror films in a while

I know the material was hard, but they also spliced in kid stuff anyway in chapter 2 and it didn't help it.