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mjp1971 t1_jdvxuhg wrote

While lost was groundbreaking in the way it told its story I think that the show itself doesn’t have a lot of rewatchability for those who already saw it. I also think with people’s viewing habits today it’s a tough sell to get new people to watch over 100 episodes of an uneven show, especially since you have to pay attention while watching & can’t multitask (scroll on your phone) while watching it.

Dexter I think blew all its goodwill with a lousy ending, the new season was like trying to heal a shotgun blast with a band-aid.

Breaking Bad was one of the first show to hugely benefit from streaming & twitter. The ratings weren’t great at first despite it getting a lot of critical acclaim & Emmy wins. The buzz around it got people streaming the early seasons on Netflix & then stuck with it through the end on AMC. I think it was one of the early shows that had a lot of live-tweeting going on, which also led to some pretty classic memes & Gifs online.