Submitted by trpnblies7 t3_123om0b in television

I've watched the first two episodes, and it's...okay? It seems to be in that weird spot where it's both not funny enough and not serious enough to warrant 40+ minutes. The writing and acting are fine, but the plot is just not very engaging so far. After the pilot's opening, I was expecting the series to be focused on him going through a full blown crisis/meltdown, but then not much happens. I chuckled when he immediately got his chair position back, but that also seemed to stop any plot momentum. And if he really didn't want to be chair anymore, then just step down? No one is forcing him to remain in that position.

I haven't read the book this is based on, so I have no idea if it's sticking to the plot, but right now the show is just kind of...there. I'll probably stick through episode three to see if it gets any better, but it's not doing a whole lot for me at the moment. Anyone else feel this way?



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NoNefariousness2144 t1_jdvq4vd wrote

I feel like the reason they are only marketing the show by hyping up Bob Odenkirk is very telling.


vannucker t1_jdx7868 wrote

It recorded on my DVR because I have Better Call Saul as a series record and they were presented at as Better Call Saul: Lucky Hank or something like that. Sneaky. Didn't watch it because it didn't sound up my alley, although I would consider watching if I hear some hype that it is really good. But alas, that has not come to pass as of yet.


man1c_overlord t1_jdw8pep wrote

true. i generally don't watch this kind of stuff anyway. honestly, i haven't even watched a good sitcom or comedy show in forever. that genre just isn't made for me.

this seems like a comedy/drama aimed at older people (i mean people in their 40s or so), which is why it is paced as such. tbh i am only watching for bob odenkirk.


Ok-Requirement5626 t1_jdwa0rn wrote

Do NOT call me old (I am 45). Like. Come on. I have the same feeling as the TO.


man1c_overlord t1_jdzunb4 wrote

what is TO?

and fair, i shouldn't have said old, middle age would have been more appropriate


sweetpeapickle t1_je1aipv wrote

Lol, older people are in their 40's....what are you 10?


Exploding_dude t1_je3k6sq wrote

40 is older compared to the average reddit demo. I'm in my 30s, we had a 19 year old girl at my last job and she called my partner and I older. It hit like a gut punch but then I remembered being 19 and thinking 30 seemed a lifetime away, which is basically is for a 19 year old.


man1c_overlord t1_je5yjqt wrote

you seem a little insecure.

the quicker you embrace it, the better.


sweetpeapickle t1_je66vwh wrote

You do understand I'm joking??? Older means different decades for different "aged" people. The way you put it: aimed at older people, I mean 40's....sounds funny & typical coming from someone much younger. You know when you watch a tv show, and a character asks can you describe him/her-and a young person will say-old, you know like you or like my mom, etc.


hashcancomics t1_jdvs4ij wrote

It is really good for the genre it is. Bob Odenkirk said he wanted to get away from Saul Goodman and roles with guns and play a drama/comedy in the vein of Alexander Payne. So if you don't like it by now, you ain't going to like it.


Prax150 t1_jdvpotz wrote

Haven't watched the second yet but I liked the first one a lot. College campuses are an underused setting for shows/movies these days, it seems, and there's something that really engages me about how low the stakes are but how heightened the drama around it seems to be. Odenkirk is great and the supporting cast is full of under-appreciated actors. I also laughed out loud several times in the premiere. Perhaps the expectations were way too high being so near the end of BCS but that didn't affect it for me, I really enjoyed the pilot, will probably watch the second one tonight.


ansky201 t1_jdvnesc wrote

I agree, it's terrible. I was looking forward to this show for months, but after watching the first 2 episodes I'm done. It's not even clear what the point of it is, and it's not funny or engaging in any way.


Dramatic_Purple186 t1_jdwhvlw wrote

100% agree there's no point at all. They are only hopeful because its Bob Odenkirk, that is the reason why anyone has watched it. He's not even that good in it (not his fault but the scripting).


MrDudeWheresMyCar t1_jdvj57y wrote

I haven't watched the second episode yet, but I definitely thought the plot was fairly limited in the pilot. Odenkirk's string of great performance has given this show a bit of a longer leash in my eyes though. I'd expect I'll give the whole season a chance and get off there if there isn't much happening.


Punjabistan t1_jdvwvy2 wrote

I'll give it at least three episodes to see where the show is heading, if it is actually good, I'll continue watching it. I've only watched the first one and have yet to see the second episode.

Personally, it could've been more suitable if they cut the bulk of the scenes and reduce the runtime to half an hour. But that's just me.


BladesMan235 t1_jdwqi2z wrote

It’s like if the show Vice Principles wasn’t funny at all and had dull acting


BaconAlmighty t1_je6bsjh wrote

This is the synopsis of the show. Thank you, couldn't put my finger on it exactly but this is it.


idunnobutchieinstead t1_jdw2rpv wrote

I am really enjoying it, but I knew what I wanted from it and I feel like so far I’m getting it.

Wait till he threatens a goose.


aboycandream t1_jdvo5pf wrote

it is not good, its the kind of show that HBO would make in like 2007 and cancel mid season


PerkaDirk t1_jeer36g wrote

It's pretty fucking bad [so far] definitely not living up to any hype I'm seeing... I watched the first episode two times thinking maybe I missed something just bored out of my skull. Figured I'd give the second episode a shot. Maybe it needs to find it's pacing and whatnot. Second episode was a little better but a very fucking slow ride. Not really that entertaining overall and it's comedy is weak at best. I would absolutely never recommend this to anyone from what I've seen so far. Overhyped boring drivel. I did not find myself laughing at all. The moments where it was supposed to be the funny part seemed forced or fell flat. To top it off just recently watched Bob odenkirk on hot ones. He was brave enough to say that Lucky Hank is both equal parts, comedy and drama. Very bold statement.


shadowdra126 t1_jdxdx0c wrote

I’m liking it but I have an English degree and work in English education so I may be biased


MTsumi t1_jdxoge9 wrote

I feel like someone wondered what it would be like to show behind the scenes of C-SPAN book hour. “Today’s guest wrote a book on the ephemeral qualities of wallpaper.”


TheGunde t1_je8zlj8 wrote

Yeah, I'm gonna rewatch Vice Principals instead


the6thReplicant t1_jdzklj7 wrote

It’s a show that is as good as its characters. So far, so good.

I’m a bit apprehensive about the (wife’s) school and the dump of side characters it will introduce into the show.


ShEditor83 t1_jdzzlc1 wrote

I watched the pilot and I enjoyed it but I felt like it won’t be capable of remaining interesting. The second episode seems to confirm my theory, but of course it’s just my opinion. I love Bob Odenkirk and Mireille Enos but maybe it won’t be enough for me to keep watching.


MrPotatoButt t1_jdxx6lm wrote

I've only seen the pilot at this point, but yeah.

I usually wait until I've finished the 4th episode before pulling the trigger on a show.


Dramatic_Purple186 t1_jdwo5yz wrote

Please all report back after watching 2nd episode.


spraragen88 t1_jdykqc2 wrote

It's terrible. The dude who played Toby in the office is the show runner, which explains a lot. It's just the most mediocre dramadey I've seen in years. Poor Bob probably got sidelined in a bad contract and forced to do this.

He needs to do more movies. Nobody 2 has to happen.


Smiling_Maelstrom t1_jdytvvk wrote

the toby dude oversaw some of the funniest episodes in the office

so i have no idea what ur talking abt