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ROBtimusPrime1995 t1_jdkmzyy wrote

I really hope there is either a major Gandhi twist gag reveal...or at least a throwaway joke, never to be heard of again.

For those who don't know, India protested MTV for casting Gandhi in their TV series, prompting MTV to kill the show.


Dear-Attempt-2182 t1_jdkrxus wrote

I've seen the leaked first episode. There is a quick Gandhi reference and I could see them never referencing him again


armchairwarrior69 t1_jdlbei4 wrote

What is the reference?


alangalan97 t1_jdlkcup wrote

They just briefly show that he got left behind and is still frozen.


WinterSon t1_jdmpq51 wrote

Lame. Show won't be the same without him


MyStationIsAbandoned t1_jdn2et2 wrote

I guess even after 20 years, they didn't grow a spine


MengisAdoso t1_jdne5sj wrote

Speaking, of course, from your extensive experience in the practicalities of TV production and dealing with executives.

The version where they grew a spine is the one that never got greenlit.


Stonesword75 t1_jdm9g60 wrote

So they have a final "fuck you" ready to pull on the final episode or just dont care about India's thoights anymore. Good to hear.


D3monFight3 t1_jdmufud wrote

If they leave it at that then clearly the show will be complete garbage, he was the best part of the entire show. Plus if him being Gandhi's clone offended people they could have easily just said "Scudworth fucked up he's not Gandhi he's some random other guy that vaguely resembles Gandhi".


binrowasright t1_jdneo7d wrote

I think that was the plan originally when the India stuff was going down, he was going to turn out to be a clone of Gary Coleman


Separate-Mushroom t1_jdll2sw wrote

theres a couple ghandi references, i think theyre waiting until farther in the season to make him show up


Aar0nSwanson t1_jdm23mf wrote

Damn wait til Muhammad pulls up with Jesus.


originalcondition t1_jdm9cdr wrote

Jesus was in season 1, Joan of Arc goes to him for advice at one point lol


atomicpenguin12 t1_jdn0rot wrote

Yeah, I remember Jesus Cristo. I think they found him in shop class doing some woodworking


JurgenWigg t1_jdptjbn wrote

Yup and Julius Ceaser reminds him, “Be careful with that nail gun, Jesus.” 😂


PetyrDayne t1_jdmu132 wrote

Gandhi was a racist, pedophile though.


Jakesummers1 t1_jdmy0ll wrote

Although this is true, I’m sure it will be downvoted to hell


grub-worm t1_jdo0sao wrote

They tried to get around it by him actually being Gary Coleman all along and that's hilarious