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t1_jdlch1r wrote

Is it just me or does the character designs for the new characters seem off? Like they aren't from the same show.


t1_jdldnyo wrote

I think it’s just their clothes. Style wise they seem to be the same in terms of proportions and art. Just wearing different outfits because I guess they’re from twenty years later than the original clones.


t1_jdlunc2 wrote

They're certainly much more vibrantly colored, which I have to assume is a deliberate design choice. If the new characters are clones that were created in the past ~15 years, it makes sense that they would have a different fashion style than the clones who were around in the early 2000s. Them having a new batch and old batch of clones together could definitely make for some interesting storylines if that's the route they're going.


t1_jdmbke5 wrote

The leaked first episode focuses a lot on >!the differences between being a teen in the 2000s vs. the 2020s!<


t1_jdmkaqc wrote

Chris Miller said during the panel yesterday that the second season was the perfect opportunity to fix the design flaws he didn't like him the first season. Like Joan's head.


t1_jdmvoz8 wrote

Their outfits are too busy. The OG characters have very simple designs.