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fortheloveofghosts t1_je3nr9x wrote

I remember really liking this show as a kid and have been meaning to revisit it. Thanks for the reminder


widdumqueso717 OP t1_je3o451 wrote

All good! It’s on Amazon Prime and Peacock. I usually watch on Prime since there are limited ads compared to Peacock. And as for the show, the music (Seasons 1-3) is IMPECCABLE! It put me onto a lot of what did know and more jams that I didn’t.


fortheloveofghosts t1_je3ojbd wrote

What happened to Malik Yoba? He was awesome


widdumqueso717 OP t1_je3omnu wrote

He was in Season 1 of Empire when that show first started. And I remember talks of a New York Undercover revival a few years back but it never took off.