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xClay2 t1_je29wpb wrote

It's good if you suspend belief a little. I've been enjoying it but I'm also a fan of the genre.


SQUID_FUCKER t1_je4aehm wrote

> It's good if you suspend belief a little.

I feel like this is just par for the course for all these types of shows. Outside of maybe The Bureau or something like that, these all require the audience to just kinda go with it. Which is totally fine, imo, you can't have action packed shows like these that are super realistic because, frankly, that's just now how things work.

Like the fact that Peter is at the center of this thing throughout the entire series. Granted, the show does a decent enough job of keeping it tied to him so it at least feels reasonable (without giving spoilers, this is revealed in the final episode).

It's easy, popcorn entertainment and it does it well enough.