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PhillyTaco t1_is7dn8x wrote

>That's capitalism.

Are you saying that socialism rewards loyalty more than value provided? I thought the draw of socialism was near-perfect efficiency?


g1ngerkid t1_is9c1ue wrote

I love that instead of considering the possibility of a few worker protections you just assume that the only other option is full-on USSR.


PhillyTaco t1_isbieg9 wrote

Well, if someone says a bad thing happens because of capitalism isn't it logical to assume that they are implying the same bad thing wouldn't happen under socialism?


g1ngerkid t1_isbn357 wrote

Isn’t it logical to assume that there are more than two extremist options? Or do you just assume that anything not far-right must be extremely socialist and therefore the devil?


PhillyTaco t1_isc5tc3 wrote

I just asked basic questions. If the claim is that capitalism does not reward loyalty, does socialism? Is socialism more about morality or economic efficiency?

I actually agree with you. Extremism on either end gets us nowhere. My point isn't that capitalism rewards loyalty -- it's true, it often doesn't! But neither does socialism, at least as I understand it. So pointing to a undesirable thing and saying it's the fault of one system or another is ignorant and silly.


DaemonThrone t1_is8bsx6 wrote

Socialism doesn't do either. It's a garbage system that is even worse than Capitalism.
